Mac and Ernie

Walk with Us

Together and apart we are walking 100km/150km for youth mental health this October - hop on to each of our pages to understand why we are doing this 💕we have decided to share a very personal story that has taken nearly a year to talk about out of very close family and a few friends/colleagues. 

We have chosen Youth Focus as they are a Perth local NFPO that provides support and services and advocacy for youth mental health and are accessible. We were fortunate to have been able to access the very best state mental health services but often this is not available when needed or there are too many hoops to jump through to get access - which threatens young lives. It is a vastly under resourced area and it’s so hit and miss for young people, their families and even the support networks to access relevant and fit for purpose emergency and holistic care. The stigma associated with mental health and suicide and to be frank the trauma dealing with this stigma both for young people and their families is very real - it stops people from seeking help, from pausing to recover, to being able to heal, stigma shatters lives and causes fear. Our hope is in being braver to talk about it - it will somehow help others and mine and Andrews walk will give us time with ourselves and others to talk and think and be mentally fitter to support our family moving forward. 

Teenagers in our city and state are being let down by under-resourced mental health system, it is under funded and WA psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and others are stretched and overwhelmed in trying to provide critical and ongoing care. Community organisations have limited funding for programs from state and federal govt and the community led approach is critical in ensuring young people have space to address their mental health. 

We were able to access these limited govt services and supported -  but in the past few years the numbers of 10-26 year olds and their families who haven’t been able to is staggering.  

We're stepping up for our young people!

This Mental Health Week, we're challenging ourselves to step up for mental health and suicide prevention. We're inspired by the life-changing work of Youth Focus and want to support the cause by participating in Walk with Me.

Please help us support Youth Focus by donating using the 'Give Now' button. Please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends, family and colleagues. 

Our Achievements

Achieved team fundraising goal

Halfway to your fundraising goal

Thank you to our Sponsors


Julie Sly

Almost there Georgie....sending much love for your last 12kms x x


Maggie Lewis

Best wishes Georgi


Mcsherrads X

You’ve got this team! Will be cheering you on x


Kim Bowering


Lally And Loompah


Shevaun Cottrell

Sending strength and love, in memory of my beautiful sister xxx


Megan & Bridie

Thank you and your family for your strength ❤️


Susanna Illingworth

Love you all xxx


Ira Smith

Together we are stronger! You are such a beautiful family!


Sally Amirault


Dani Airton

You’ve got this!!


Hannas & Mazz

With lots of ❤️ from the Mazzas


Alexa Hughes


Lisa And Lance

Smash it Macaronis! Xx


Anita Goldsmith

Good luck with everything x


Jules And Dave

Big hugs. Will try and walk with you one weekend this month. If i don’t manage to, I will be with you in spirit x


Minister Of War And Strife

Awesome Sauce! Looking forward to walking and talking - you may need noise cancellation headphones!



Sending lots of love & encouragement to you all xx


Claire Proudley

Sending you lots of love ❤️